The metro rer zones are not printed on this map but the darker shade is zone 2, with the lighter tanbeige being zone 1 or central paris. The easiest way around paris, along with the paris bus map avec rues wstreetsthey show exactly where you are. The paris metro is a synonym for the paris subway network. Cliquez sur le plan pour lagrandir telecharger le plan pdf 186. Metro map of paris and the iledefrance region ratp. The route was the subject of lengthy discussions that delayed the start of construction of the tunnel. Take rer b northwards from denfert rochereau, chatelet or gare du nord. This image requires updating please see the talk page for more information in doing so, you could add a timestamp to the image. Click on the map to enlarge download the map pdf 186.
1009 547 1492 343 485 57 148 159 497 386 1272 952 1391 1138 906 633 1216 458 884 413 159 331 595 151 1109 429 1143 445 376 452 57 576